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A completamento del processo di depurazione delle acque reflue civili o industriali esiste una serie di dispositivi realizzati interamente da COSME che supportano l’ impianto in ogni sua fase lavorativa costituendone parte integrante.
The bags-holders are used to support drainage bags, which drain the water in excess from sludge or other substance. COSME bags-holders can be made in the following versions: with single frame, with collecting tank, or with collecting tank and feeding tank equipped with valves.
COSME bags-holders can hold 3 or 6 drainage bags each of 80 liters, or one bag (big bag) with capacity 1 cubic meter (the big bag can be made only with single frame with removable frame, for easy handling of the bag).
- To be always close to the needs of our customers in COSME we have specialized staff able to guarantee an excellent service of assistance, maintenance and overhaul of our post-installation machines.