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L’ultima fase funzionale di un trattamento di depurazione è il trattamento dei fanghi, il cui obiettivo è quello di migliorare la qualità del rifiuto finale in modo da smaltirlo correttamente o riutilizzarlo

Il fango di risulta di un impianto di depurazione, quando non è più riutilizzabile internamente, segue una serie di operazioni dette trattamento dei fanghi. In questa fase i fanghi che contengono quasi tutto il BOD residuo e che, a causa della presenza di rilevanti quantità di materiale batterico, sono altamente putrescibili, vengono stabilizzati in modo da renderli idonei al successivo essiccamento e smaltimento.

L’obiettivo finale del trattamento dei fanghi è quello di rendere migliori le caratteristiche del fango affinché possa essere correttamente smaltito come rifiuto oppure (solo se rispetta determinati requisiti) riutilizzato in agricoltura.

Belt filter press of series CNP is a machine with double belt for sludge dewatering, by gradual pressing between two permeable belts joining between them in a “S” raceway, made by rollers with decreasing diameter. Sludge, conditioned with chemical reagents, is unloaded on the feeding hopper, where there is the first separation by gravity, of the water present in the sludge. Then, sludge is overturned on the other belt and, after the zone of wedging, it is pressed between the two belts in the pressing zone. Pressing actions are of increasing type, due to different diameters of pressing rollers. Washing water and filtered material are unloaded in the tank below machine, while the dehydrated sludge is removed from belts by the scrapers, and located out of the unit. Washing of belts is done by two racks of nozzles, which spray water for washing at a pressure of about 5 bar, using a centrifugal pump.

Structure is composed by electro-welded hardy angular profiles in AISI 304, to guarantee very low coefficients of deflection and yield to stress of belts tensioning. Machine is designed to permit easy access for maintenance and vision. It is equipped with lifting eye-bolts and supporting feet to fix unit to floor (without need of special groundworks). Machine is equipped with lateral grids of safety, for reduced overall dimensions. Rollers, tanks, chutes, bolts, all in AISI 304 stainless steel. There are five models, for belts large 500, 800, 1000, 1200 and 1500 mm, for flowrate till 14 m3/h of sludge at 3% of suspended solids.

BELT FILTER PRESS series CNP 5-8-10-12-15